When you invest your money into a new pool, you expect it to last you for many years. You want to know that it is going to remain strong, stable, and generally good quality all-round. However, in reality, every pool will degrade over time. No matter how much care you take of it, there will always come a time when cracks and scars begin to show in your existing pool. Luckily for you, when that time does come, you know that you can count on Miami pools for help in pool remodelling and renovation. That is because, Miami Pools, a locally owned company is a trusted pool contractors in Miami for custom pools, family owned or residential pool, and commercial pool. We can offer you our outstanding swimming pool renovation solutions for your existing pools. Regardless of how bad a shape your pool and spa is in, you can always trust us to help give your existing pool a new lease of life and consider it a living space. Our pool builders will ensure you'll have your pool back in its original look. We can also add pool automation or turn your pool into a beautiful outdoor living space. Just let us know what you want to achieve with yours and we can take care of the rest. We have turned our clients' dream pools into a reality, we will surely do yours!
One of the easiest ways to revitalize an old pool is to resurface it. With pool resurfacing the surface of your pool will be back to its original appearance, making your pool looking great. When cracks, scars, dents, and blemishes begin to show, applying a fresh coat of pool plaster or a new vinyl surface can reset it to its best. It will once again return a sleek, consistent finish to the surface, which you could either leave as it is or use as a base for new tiling. Of course, just be sure to let our swimming pool contractor know about the kinds of things that you want to do with the renovation, like if you wanted to change the type of pool finish or if you want to add some water features or pool deck if you haven't and we would have no trouble making it a reality.
Our pool contractors can also help you out with renovating any old tiling installations that you have in place. While tiles are nearly always strong and long-lasting, the effects of time certainly can take their toll. So, if you are looking at your tiles and feel as if they could do with an upgrade, make sure you come to us for the task. We can remove all your old tiling with care and precision, and replace it with our durable, more modern ones. All you need to do is let us know what aesthetic you aim to achieve, and you can leave the rest to us. We will guide you throughout if you want to add other pool designs like pool lighting while renovating. You certainly will have an ideal outdoor living space with us!
Plumbing Renovation
While it may not be visible, one of the most important parts of your pool is your plumbing system. Without effective plumbing, you simply would not be able to safely maintain your pool. So, if you know that yours have been causing you concerns or are just too old and outdated to trust, make sure that you get in contact with us for your plumbing renovation.
Pool Sealing
Once all the necessary improvements have been made to your swimming pool, we will always finish the job off by sealing each surface. We want all our hard work to last so that you can continue to get the best from your pool and spa. And, by applying a dense, resistant seal to yours, we know that we can do that best. So, allow us to seal your pool with our premium sealant solutions and make sure that you guarantee yourself the most longevously pool renovation you can.